Tuesday, October 27, 2009


In just a few days our already short days will seem even shorter. Eastern Daylight Time will revert to Eastern Standard Time, and it will be dark at 5:30pm. Are you ready?
SAD- Seasonal Affective Disorder- is defined by Wikipedia as "... also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter."

I am a poster child for SAD. I don't like dark; I don't like being indoors; I don't like desk work. From somewhere in September on I start to calculate the shorter and shorter outdoor evening time. I try to take comfort in cooler weather, or clearer skies, or hints of fall color. But that doesn't really work. After all, how can I enjoy any of that when it gets dark so darn early!
Part of the symptoms include worrying and feeling less than hopeful about the future.
Yeah, I know it's gonna be darker earlier tomorrow!

Wikipedia goes on to explain potential treatments, which include "...bright light therapy, medication, ionized-air administration, cognitive-behavioral therapy and carefully timed supplementation[citation needed] of the hormone melatonin."
Uh, huh....so how does that help anyone living in the real world?

Instead of just worrying about it, this year I am going to try to meet it head on, and fight back. I am making a list of things that I like about winter. I'm getting started here. Please, help me add to the list.


Daphne odora

-Homemade Onion Soup on a cold rainy day

Winter Light

-Young Winter Vegetable Garden on a cold rainy day


- Time for Pilates Class

fall colors (Lindera angustifolia)

- Fires in the Fireplace

Colorful Conifers in the Cold

-Time for Reading

That's the first 10.

ADD to my list. Let's see if it helps.
Post an idea on the comments section. Let's see if we can get 50 things we like about winter.
Let's lighten the SAD burden.
Once we get to 50, then I'll tell you what the absolute, true 100% reliable cure is.
 Let's go!


  1. I find that the shorter and cooler days gives me more time to spend with my wife and do more cooking with her and our friends.

  2. I think I spend most of the winter cooking and eating! Both activities bring warmth and fun to cold dark nights. It's finding time to go for a run or walk outside after work that's tricky...

    Also, these things are either unique to colder weather or are especially fun during chilly times.

    Collecting and Pressing Fall Leaves
    SNOW!!! and ANY activites that come along with it
    Wearing long underwear
    Watching Orion rise in the sky
    Seeing your breath as you exhale
    Starting seeds indoors
    Listening to music
    Making cinnamon rolls (I've tried as hard as I could NOT to include food on this list but it's impossible)
    Long telephone chats with old friends
    Warm Baths
    Wearing slippers
    wearing hats with ear flaps
    Candy Cane Lane Tea
    A Charlie Brown Christmas

  3. The pleasure of a walk in the cool morning fog with the full moon lighting the way as I watch the rosey pinks of the sun rise.

  4. baiting Fire Ants to weaken the mound so they will all die in the cold weather!

  5. Holidays with family and friends who are like family. :)

  6. Sunny days after lots of cloudy dreary ones

    More time for trips to visit gardens and gardeners

    Good news phone calls from a friend saying she's quit smoking!!!

    Watching All Creatures videos over and over and over.....

  7. pink sunsets, even if they're too early
